Beautiful Central Park New York

Central Park is a man-made wonder and it is first public park built in United States of America. It is one of the main attraction of New York city and attracts more than 42 million guests per year. It occupies an area of 840 acres (340 hectares) and the development of park was started in 1857. It was opened to public in 1876 and to this day it serves as a model to Urban parks of the world.


Retreat from Hectic Life

Central Park offers a retreat from a life that is constantly in motion in New York City. It serves as an oasis of calm in bustling heart of Manhattan. Huge green spaces , lakes and winding path offer a sanctuary to its visitor and New York city’s residents from a hectic life. In this magnificent Park you can go to picnic in Great Lawn and scene reservoir provides a stunning view for running and walking It has many statues and pieces that are displayed throughout the park to enhance the beauty of the Oasis in New York City.

Landscape Architecture

Central Park is sometimes referred as man-made wonder as it was designed beautifully to provide a natural oasis admists the urban lifestyle. It was first approved in 1853 and the development work started in 1858. It was inspired by beautiful parks in Paris and London at that time.

Naturalistic Design and Water Bodies

The naturalistic design of the city was inspired by the beautiful landscape of Hudson River Valley. It has sprawling green spaces, winding paths and sweeping meadows. Over the decades considerable efforts are made to preserve the historic landscape that was visioned by its original designers.


Several water bodies present in the Central Park provide scenic views to people who visit there. The main among these water bodies is a 20 Acre Lake that connects Ramble a forested area , Bethesda Terrace and various other landscape present in Central Park. While it may be tempting to cool off by taking a swim in this lake on a hot day in New York but it is illegal to swim in it.

Dense Woodlands

Central Park in New York showcases a rich variety of plants and botanical collections. It has wide variety of trees that include American elms, London plane trees, red oaks and cherry trees. Shrubs and bushes like azaleas, hydrangeas, lilacs, and rhododendrons contribute to the colorful landscape of park in different seasons. This architectural landmark also displays  tulips, daffodils, irises, day lilies, and seasonal displays of pansies, marigolds, and petunias. An entire garden is dedicated to the plants mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare.

Sanctuary for Migratory Birds

Despite being surrounded by skyscrapers, The Central Park offers a vital sanctuary to migratory birds. It lies along the Atlantic Flyway that is major route for migratory birds. Central Park’s diverse habitats provide a critical rest stop and nesting grounds for these migratory birds. Its natural landscape that include dense woodlands, multiple bodies of water such as turtle pond and lake constitutes a diverse habitat to provide food and other resources to these birds.

Art and Monuments:

Central Park Boosts 29 sculptures as these were added later in 19th Century. Most of the these donations from wealthy people with appreciation for art. These sculptures include different various characters from children’s stories around the Central Park Zoo and Conservancy Water. It also has busts of famous poets and authors like William Shakespeare and Hans Christian Andersen. Among other sculpture is in honor of 7th Regiment New York atop of North Jay Granite Base, another bronze sculpture depicting characters of beloved book Alice in the Wonderland and  Angel of the Waters atop a receded bronze basin.

Events in Central Park

Throughout the year this man-made piece of history hosts a wide variety of events to contribute to cultural significance and vibrancy. Classical Music, Jazz and others musical concerts are featured in SummerStage in Central Park. Charity runs, yoga classes and fitness boot-camps are offered to utilize the natural landscape of the Central Park. Global Citizen Festival and Hong Kong Dragon Boat festivals are arranged in the Central Park to Celebrate Cultural Diversity and Heritage.

In addition to these holiday events like Halloween Prades, Lighting of Trees during Christmas and ice skating events are also featured in Central Park.

If you want to visit Central then it is highly recommended to visit Central Park Website to make your experience memorable.

Also it is advised to visit Madison Square Garden when you fly to NY City next time as it is a cultural landmark.

Iconic Madison Square Garden New York
Madison Square Garden

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