Inspiring Statue of Liberty

The statue of liberty is significant all over the world as it is a symbol of freedom and democracy. This iconic monument is located on Liberty Island in New York. It has a rich history and its profound significance still resonates today. The design of the statue embodies liberty and enlightenment. It is not only a beloved national icon but it has become a symbol of resilience and unity in the face of adversity.


History of Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty was commission as a gift to United States in the Late 19th Century by France. It was designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi. It was built by Gustave Eiffel who also built the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris. The basic concept behind the design is liberty and enlightenment. The figure of a robed woman who is also holding a torch high in her right hand and a tablet with the date of American Independence July 4, 1776 inscribed on it is in her left hand.

Although the color of the status of liberty is now green but originally its exterior was of copper. The green color that you is the result of oxidation. The color green has added not only added to its visual appeal but also serves as testament to its endurance and passage of time. From base to the tip of the torch the length of statue of liberty is 305 feet and 1 inch(93m) in total. Once it was the tallest iron structure in the world.

Statue of Liberty as Cultural Icon

Statue of Liberty is globally recognized cultural icon of United states. It serves as a welcoming sight to immigrants arriving in the United States seeking a better life. It represents freedom and democracy. It is also a prominent feature of New York Skyline and popular tourist attraction. It has appeared in numerous movies, TV shows, books and artworks as well. This shows its importance in global pop culture. It represents the American Dream that means hope and opportunity for people around the world.

Restoration of Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty was damaged due to weather effects and aging and it was decided that it must be repaired in 1980s. It underwent a major restoration project in and this effort was funded by public donations and corporate sponsorships. This restoration project was completed and a reopening ceremony was organized on 4th July, 1984. It was done to celebrate both the statue’s restoration and its centennial.

Historical Events

The statue of liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. This ceremony was attended by President Grover Cleveland and other dignitaries. This event marked the culmination of efforts by both the United States and France to commemorate the friendship between the two nations and the ideals of liberty and freedom.

Also the entire year of 1986 was dedicated to the celebration of the statue’s dedication. This also included a re-dedication ceremony on July 4,1986. This ceremony was also attended by then President Ronald Reagan and French President François Mitterrand. It was a beautifully organize ceremony that included fireworks, concerts and other special exhibits.

After the terrorist attacks on September 11,2001, the Statue of Liberty along with other famous landmarks of New York City, became a symbol of hope and resilience. It served as a rallying point for the city and the nation during a period of mourning and recovery.

Statue of Liberty Museum

A new museum was opened in May 2019 on Liberty Island and it is entirely dedicated to the Statue of Liberty. The purpose of the museum is to educate the visitors and tourists about the history, its construction and its symbolism as a beacon of freedom and democracy. The museum features exhibits with interactive displays, artifacts and multimedia presentations that explore all aspects of the Statue of Liberty. The access to the museum is included with ferry ticket to Liberty Island and it is recommended to reserve ticket in advance specially during peak tourist seasons.

One of the other important landmark and architectural marvel of New York is Empire State Building. It is highly recommended to visit this as well.

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